FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following message was issued today by Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Jody Carr in recognition of Asian Heritage Month:

Asian Heritage Month is a unique opportunity for all of us to reflect on the long and rich history of Asian Canadians as well as their lasting contributions to our country.

As the minister responsible for immigration, settlement and multiculturalism, I am proud of the tremendous contributions of our Asian immigrants and their descendants.

Throughout the month of May, New Brunswickers are invited to participate in a host of multicultural activities that not only acknowledge and explore the long and rich history of Asian Canadians and their contributions to Canada, but also give us the opportunity to celebrate our diversity.

Asian Heritage Month provides us with an important opportunity to celebrate multiculturalism and the belief that Canadians - regardless of religion, race, culture or creed - have the ability to live together in harmony and to learn from one another.

The commitment of Asian Canadians to establish new roots in New Brunswick, coupled with a strong work ethic, have contributed to an immigrant population responsible for many important innovations in areas including business, technology and the arts.

Our province proudly supports the multicultural and ethno-cultural agencies that serve immigrants and, day after day, work to make our province a more welcoming place. Their efforts do not go unnoticed and their growing membership is a testament to their good work.

I extend my best wishes to the members of the Asian community as you celebrate this special month. I also encourage all New Brunswickers to take the time to participate in festivities that celebrate the many achievements and contributions of our Asian-heritage neighbours.