FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government has released its renewed Population Growth Strategy and first ever Francophone Immigration Action Plan.

The strategy charts the course for New Brunswick to increase its population by 5,000 over the next three years through repatriation, attraction, retention and immigration.

“Our government is delivering on its commitment to develop and implement a strategy that grows our economy by increasing our population,” said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Jody Carr. “We are focused on people, skills and jobs. These strategies will build a stronger, more diverse and prosperous New Brunswick for all who call it home.”

Both the strategy and the action plan were identified as key items in the province’s Labour Force and Skills Development Strategy and complement several government strategies and initiatives already underway.

The Francophone Immigration Action Plan aims to attract 33 per cent francophone immigrants through its Provincial Nominee Program by 2020 to better reflect the linguistic makeup of the province.

“As a government, we are focused on bringing our people home and growing our population,” said Natural Resources Minister Paul Robichaud, who is also the minister responsible for la Francophonie. “We’re working hard to help businesses grow and new ventures flourish so we can bring skilled New Brunswickers home to work. We’re equally committed to ensuring that growth through immigration reflects the makeup of our two official linguistic communities.”

The Population Growth Strategy and Francophone Immigration Action Plan cover six strategic areas including:

  • attraction and promotion;
  • entrepreneurship; settlement and retention;
  • diverse and inclusive communities;
  • program integrity; and
  • francophone immigration.

The resulting documents represent the culmination of feedback, ideas and information provided by stakeholders and the public through an extensive consultation process.

The strategy and action plan will be implemented over a three-year period with work beginning immediately.