FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government has introduced amendments to the Public Service Labour Relations Act to extend the notice to bargain period to six months before a contract expires. The previous notice to bargain period was two months.

“Our government is committed to the priorities of job creation, righting our fiscal ship and helping families and that includes providing support for workers and businesses,” said Post-Secondary Education,Training and Labour Minister Francine Landry. “Since many negotiations can be lengthy, it is common for employees and employers to work without collective agreements for long periods of time. Starting the process earlier will minimize the time between the expiration of a contract and its renewal.”

The act administers union-related matters in the public sector, provides for the certification of bargaining agents, and sets out the framework for public sector bargaining of collective agreements.

The amendment will contribute to a more seamless transition from one collective agreement to the next.

The change to begin the period of bargaining earlier was identified as a priority action through the Strategic Program Review process.