FREDERICTON (GNB) – Take Our Kids to Work Day is one of several special events taking place during Career Week, Nov. 2-6, in New Brunswick.

“Career Week offers New Brunswickers the opportunity to think about their job future,” said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Francine Landry. “It promotes awareness about having a career plan and setting educational and employment goals toward a chosen field, trade or profession.”

During Career Week, activities designed to highlight employment programs and services in the province will be hosted at Career Information Centres and Regional Employment and Continuous Learning Services Offices across the province.

Take Our Kids to Work Day will be celebrated on Nov. 4, providing Grade 9 students the opportunity to spend a day in the workplace of a parent, relative or friend.

“Career exploration and preparation is part of building a job-ready generation,” said Landry. “I encourage New Brunswickers to get involved and take advantage of the academic and career opportunities available to help move our province and our economy forward.”