SACKVILLE (GNB) – The provincial and federal governments are investing $10.25 million in infrastructure upgrades at Mount Allison University.

“By working with the Trudeau government, we are getting things done to advance the priorities of New Brunswickers such as the economy, education and health care,” said Premier Brian Gallant. “This investment will allow our province to enhance its research capacity, which is important for the economy.”

The provincial government is providing $3.25 million while the federal government will invest $6.5 million to establish the Centre for Environmental Innovation. The university is contributing a further $3.25 million to the project. The investment is being made through the Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund.

The centre will be established by renovating the Gairdner and Barclay buildings, creating a research facility and encouraging increased collaboration for scientists focused on environmental science. It will also improve the energy efficiency of the renovated buildings.

The announcement also includes funding under the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program. The provincial and federal governments are each investing $250,000 for upgrades to Mount Allison University’s athletic field, including new bleachers and a scoreboard. The university is also contributing $250,000 thanks to a series of fundraising efforts.

“This project will support industry here in Atlantic Canada and contribute to building a vibrant economic future by helping grow the middle class and address regional challenges,” said Fisheries, Oceans and Canadian Coast Guard Minister Dominic LeBlanc. “Through the Strategic Investment Fund, we are supporting innovation to improve opportunities for business, create jobs and contribute to Atlantic Canada’s reputation as an innovation hub. Additionally, the federal government believes that projects to upgrade recreational infrastructure are key to helping create new opportunities and strengthening regional economies.”

LeBlanc spoke on behalf of federal Innovation, Science and Economic Development Minister Navdeep Bains.

“The new Centre for Environmental Innovation will have a significant positive impact for our faculty and student researchers,” said university president and vice-chancellor Robert Campbell. “Mount Allison has a proud tradition of offering students a high-quality, hands-on educational and research experience, and investments like these help make that possible. Our Alumni Field facility, with its recent improvements, helps support our campus experience with a proven commitment to our students’ overall health and interests, inside and outside the classroom. We thank the federal and provincial governments for their support and investment in these campus facilities at Mount Allison University.” 

The Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund is a federal-provincial contribution agreement signed last month. The federal government will provide $49.3 million, the provincial government will invest $35.2 million, and universities will contribute $14.1 million in several projects, resulting in $98.6 million being spent on university and college infrastructure in New Brunswick. It is expected that additional investments will bring the total amount received by colleges and universities in the province to $111 million.