SAINT JOHN (GNB) – The provincial and federal governments, together with the University of New Brunswick’s (UNB) Saint John campus, are investing $1 million to build a multi-research greenhouse at the university through the Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund.

“This infrastructure investment shows that our government values the benefits a state-of-the-art facility can bring to a post-secondary institution and its community,” said Service New Brunswick Minister Ed Doherty. “This new greenhouse will increase research capacity by offering our students a modern, unique venue for learning while equipping them for a long-term career in our province.”

Doherty spoke on behalf of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Donald Arseneault.

The construction of a greenhouse will allow UNB Saint John to conduct research for the benefit of industries such as aquaculture, health care and pharmaceutical development. The university is a research leader in potential medicinal compounds in wild plants.

This investment has potential to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in economic benefits over the project timeline, and is expected to save the university thousands of dollars each year in operating costs while reducing the environmental footprint of the campus by reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

The provincial government is contributing $225,413, the federal government is investing $450,825, and the university is allocating $323,762 to fund the project.

“These infrastructure investments will create good, well-paying jobs that can help the middle class grow and prosper today, while also delivering sustained economic growth for years to come,” said Saint John-Rothesay MP Wayne Long. “Through the strategic investment fund, we are strengthening the foundation for building Canada into a global centre for innovation.”

Long attended for federal Innovation, Science and Economic Development Minister Navdeep Bains.

"The current greenhouse has long been in need of replacement,” said UNB Saint John vice-president Robert MacKinnon. “This new structure will complement the other significant upgrades we have made on the Saint John campus over the last decade."

Through the fund, the federal government will provide $49.3 million, the provincial government will invest $35.2 million, and universities will contribute $14.1 million, in several projects, which will result in a total of $98.6 million being spent on university and college infrastructure in New Brunswick. It is expected that additional investments will bring the total amount received by colleges and universities in New Brunswick to $111 million. The Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund will enhance and modernize research facilities on Canadian campuses and improve environmental sustainability.