EDMUNDSTON (GNB) – The Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour is investing $1,298,431 through the Youth Employment Fund, One Job Pledge and Workforce Expansion programs to support jobs in the Edmundston region.

“We know that creating jobs, growing the economy and securing health care and education are priorities for New Brunswickers,” said Premier Brian Gallant. “This investment will help keep our youth in the province, strengthen our workforce and help businesses in the region compete.”

This funding will help 80 employers in the region provide 144 positions.

The Youth Employment Fund is a program designed to provide unemployed youth aged 18-29 with an opportunity to develop skills. It also provides an entry point to long-term employment for people who need experience, as identified through their employment action plan.

One Job Pledge encourages employers to hire recent post-secondary graduates in their field of study and allows eligible businesses to receive a one-year wage incentive when they hire a recent graduate.

The Workforce Expansion program builds employer/employee relationships which promote the development of the unemployed by gaining skills that ultimately result in long-term sustainable full-time employment.

“Funding through these programs has enabled our ski centre to run smoothly during the winter season," said Daniel Laplante, board president of Centre plein air Mont Farlagne. "While we are benefitting from this support, our young workers are developing key competencies that will equip them for their future careers.”

More information on the Youth Employment Fund, One Job Pledge and Workforce Expansion program can be found online.