FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government is hosting the first New Brunswick Labour Market Information Forum today which will focus on the latest job trends with invited stakeholders from a variety of sectors.

“Connecting labour trends and market data with job seekers is the key to building growth and opportunity in New Brunswick,” said Labor, Employment and Population Growth Minister Gilles LePage. “This event will allow us to share the latest research on labour market activities, explore best practices in helping youth, newcomers and other under-represented groups to find meaningful jobs, and explore gaps in data and how to fill them.”

By involving academics, researchers and policy makers to address gaps in data, the forum is intended to help the provincial government identify key issues, such as an aging population, and discuss best practices to effectively engage youth with labour market information.

The forum is intended to set the stage for a provincial Labour Market Information Network which will allow stakeholders to share and distribute relevant information. It is also aimed at building increased awareness of ongoing efforts to develop and deliver labour market information at provincial, regional and local levels.