FREDERICTON (GNB) – Premier Brian Gallant discussed trade during a series of meetings in Washington this week.

“Your government’s multi-year economic growth plan includes investments to continue to be an export-driven economy in order to create jobs for New Brunswickers,” said Gallant. “We are working with our neighbours to the south from both political parties to strengthen trade between our two countries.”

During meetings this week, Gallant discussed softwood lumber and the North American Free Trade Agreement with representatives from the federal Office of Management and Budget and from the states of South Carolina, Illinois, Massachusetts and Maine. Gallant also discussed spurring economic growth and job creation on both sides of the border.

Gallant met with Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney and with the following members of the United States Congress: Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham; Rep. Richard Neal, senior Democrat on the house committee on ways and means; and Rep. Peter Roskam, chairman of the house ways and means subcommittee on tax policy. In addition, Gallant met with Gov. Paul LePage and Rep. Bruce Poliquin of Maine, as well as Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island.