FREDERICTON (GNB) – Premier Brian Gallant is recognizing the hundreds of volunteers who continue to provide support during the flood. Resources are deployed in flood-affected areas to help support those impacted. As the flood continues, especially once waters begin to recede and flood recovery takes precedence, continued support will be required.

“While visiting the areas most impacted by flooding, we have seen inspiring examples of communities coming together to support one another,” said Gallant. “The community support has been outstanding and all volunteers should be commended.”

Today, Gallant will visit Hampton, Waterborough, Rothesay and the Saint John area. This follows visits to affected communities in the past week including Fredericton, Quispamsis, Grand Bay-Westfield, Cambridge-Narrows, Saint John, Chipman, Aroostook, Sheffield, Perth-Andover, Darlings Island and Maugerville.

“We thank all New Brunswickers for their patience and the generosity they have shown during the ongoing efforts,” said Gallant. “From volunteers at reception centres and in emergency operations centres, to people bringing food and coffee to neighbours, emergency operations staff and volunteers, to businesses and communities donating boats, sand and sandbags – it has been truly inspiring.

“Our main focus continues to be the safety of New Brunswickers and resources will continue to be allocated where most needed as long as needed. In the days ahead, as the flood waters begin to recede, we will still need volunteers to help with recovery and clean-up. We encourage all New Brunswickers to help in any way they can and continue to demonstrate the resiliency, community togetherness and warm hearts that has been so visible in the past week.”

There have been hundreds of volunteers helping with flood relief. In addition businesses, non-profit, community and government organizations have been supporting flood relief efforts. This includes:

  • The Canadian Coast Guard, the RCMP, the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Transport Canada and the Department of National Defence for the support of evacuations and security through employees deployed to affected areas, extra patrols, flyovers, boats, tents, and continued participation in the ongoing flood and relief assessments. The Canadian Armed Forces continue to assess and be consulted on relief efforts.
  • The Red Cross in both New Brunswick and Nova Scotia who have volunteers on the ground.
  • The Canadian Red Cross has also announced an appeal for donations to support those affected by the flood in New Brunswick, to be used for immediate and ongoing relief efforts, long-term recovery, resiliency and preparedness. Anyone interested in donating can call 1-800-418-1111 or visit
  • The SPCA, the Canadian Disaster Animal Response Team, and the Fredericton Capital Exhibit Centre for their support in housing and caring for animals.
  • Those who have opened their spaces as receptions centres to help those displaced from their homes, including the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton and Saint John, the Kingston Legion and the Carleton Community Centre.
  • The Province of Quebec and the many municipalities and private businesses and corporations like JDI and Cooke Aquaculture who have provided and facilitated the delivery of more than 175,000 sandbags.
  • Municipal and provincial government employees who have taken on additional duties and spent their evenings and weekends volunteering their time in different capacities.
  • The Canadian Rivers Institute, Cooke Aquaculture and many New Brunswickers who have provided boats to help with evacuations.
  • Employees from JDI and many other businesses who have been on the ground providing support.
  • The countless efforts from friends, neighbours and community groups that, collectively, are having a profound effect to those impacted by the flood.

The amount of aid in specific communities will fluctuate in the coming days depending on the need.

As elevated water levels continue to impact communities, residents are reminded that it is important to follow safety measures and instructions from officials, respect barricades, and avoid dangerous situations that may put the safety of themselves and others at risk.

Residents are asked to be patient over the days ahead as officials continue to monitor the situation and manage response operations. Residents are asked to check on neighbours who may require assistance.

The River Watch program is a joint effort involving the Department of Environment and Local Government, the New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization of the Department of Justice and Public Safety and NB Power. Other partners include watershed groups, and federal, provincial and state agencies involved in monitoring and forecasting the water flow in the province's rivers and streams.

Updates on information related to the potential for flooding or ice jams, including 24/7 emergency updates, are available online. New Brunswickers can also read helpful tips, the latest forecasts and public advisories by visiting the River Watch website, or by following the Emergency Measures Organization on Twitter and Facebook.

Emergency Preparedness Test

As part Emergency Preparedness Week, there will be a test of the emergency alert system on Wednesday, May 9. This is only a test. Residents will receive a text and a message on television and radio. As many New Brunswickers continue to deal with high waters, residents should be aware in advance that this alert is only a test.  

Sandbags available at various locations

Sandbags are available at locations across the province for residents who require them. For a full, updated list of locations that have sandbags available, call the Emergency Measures Organization at 1-800-561-4034.

Potential evacuees should call Red Cross

Residents in regions experiencing or prone to flooding should strongly consider evacuation, with the assistance of the Canadian Red Cross. Residents can register and make arrangements by calling 1-800-863-6582. People who do not require accommodations are still asked to register with the Red Cross. The registry will assist the Red Cross with its support efforts.

Anyone interested in donating to the Canadian Red Cross for immediate and ongoing relief efforts, long-term recovery, resiliency and preparedness can call 1-800-418-1111 or visit

Road closures

Drivers must follow closure notices and are not permitted to move or drive around barricades. Drivers should also avoid driving on streets with water on them as there is not only a risk to their vehicle, it also pushes water into the nearby homes. Check online for the latest road closures or call 511.

Report issues with water

Residents can report any issues related to increased water levels or flooding at any time by calling 1-800-561-4034. In case of emergency, call 911.

A flood level forecast is available online. Residents can call 1-888-561-4048 for current flood levels.