FREDERICTON (GNB) – Premier Brian Gallant has announced that a team from the Canadian Armed Forces will be conducting a reconnaissance mission to determine what assistance it can provide during flood recovery efforts.

“We have been overwhelmed by the compassion and generosity demonstrated by New Brunswickers to friends, family, neighbours and, in some cases, complete strangers during flood relief efforts,” said Gallant. “As the waters begin to recede, and flood recovery begins to take precedence, continued support will be required.”

The Forces have a military liaison officer working full time with the New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization. This officer has been monitoring events and ensuring that information continues to flow throughout the response. The provincial government has requested the military to undertake reconnaissance to determine if they can help with recovery cleanup efforts.

Volunteers are also being encouraged to help with flood recovery efforts in their communities. A co-ordinated approach to these efforts is being planned so that those wanting to help can do so. More information on this will soon be made available.

“We know that New Brunswickers want to help, and we want to ensure they are able to do so as effectively as possible,” said Gallant. “There is still much to be done in the days ahead, but, working together, we will continue to show the community spirit and resiliency that is central to those who call this province home.”

To help those impacted by flooding, financial donations can be made to the Canadian Red Cross at or by calling 1-800-418-1111. Specify that the donation is for the New Brunswick Floods appeal.