FREDERICTON (GNB) – The report of the Premier’s Task Force on the Status of the Artist was released today, providing recommendations to build a vibrant arts and culture sector in New Brunswick.

The report was a collaboration between the provincial government, professional artists from various communities, ArtsLink NB, the New Brunswick Arts Board, which is also known as artsnb, and the Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick.

“Our artists contribute significantly to our province’s economy, rich culture and quality of life,” said Premier Blaine Higgs. “I thank the representatives on the task force for their significant work on this initiative.”

ArtsLink NB, artsnb and the Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick met with the premier and Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister Tammy Scott-Wallace to present the report.

The provincial government has agreed to establish a transition committee to support a detailed analysis of the report’s recommendations. This committee will include representatives from ArtsLink NB, artsnb and the Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick, as well as staff from several government departments. The transition committee will be chaired by the Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture.

“We are thrilled by our premier’s positive reception to the report from the Premier’s Task Force on the Status of the Artist,” said Julie Scriver, president of ArtsLink NB. “Its recommendations stand to place New Brunswick at the vanguard of meaningful policy and innovative solutions. The arts are vital to all New Brunswickers: as a reflection of our heritage and the community we build together.”

“With this report in hand, the table is set for us all to join forces and achieve tangible results in our quest to improve the status of artists,” said Alain Boisvert, chair of artsnb.

“The release of our report closes a first historic chapter,” said Philippe Beaulieu, president of the Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick. “The second chapter can now be written. A new page is being added to our Acadian, New Brunswick and Canadian history.”

The Premier’s Task Force on the Status of the Artist was created in July 2014 to recognize and support the valuable contributions made by professional artists.