FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement was issued today by Premier Blaine Higgs to mark National Acadian Day, Sunday, Aug. 15:

National Acadian Day is an opportunity for all New Brunswickers to celebrate and showcase the vitality of Acadian communities and the history of one of the founding cultures of our beautiful province.

New Brunswick's Acadian culture is more diverse and inclusive than ever and has come to be known worldwide for its legendary hospitality.

Because of their strength and courage through hardships, as well as their culture, language and traditions, the Acadian people have left their mark on the history of our province.

Today, Acadian communities are contributing more than ever to New Brunswick’s economic recovery as well as to the social and cultural diversity of our province.

Acadians have played an important role in making New Brunswick a place rich in history, culture and diverse traditions. A province that, once visited, makes you want to come back often, whether on vacation or to live, work and raise a family.

I invite all New Brunswickers to join me in celebrating Acadie in all its colors.

Bonne fête de l’Acadie to all!