SHIPPAGAN (CNB) – The provincial government is making an investment in the creation of a multi-functional centre in Shippagan. Transportation Minister Denis Landry made the announcement.

"This multi-functional centre is an important project for the community of Shippagan,” said Landry. “By investing in community infrastructure, the New Brunswick government is helping to build stronger communities."

Landry was speaking on behalf of Business New Brunswick Minister Victor Boudreau, who is also minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation.

"This project is a great example of the two levels of government working together over a number of months on a project that will benefit New Brunswickers," said Landry.

The provincial government, through the Regional Development Corporation, is making an investment of $700,000 in two phases. The first phase provides $290,000 from the Northern Economic Development Fund for planning and design. The second provides $410,000 from the Northern New Brunswick Infrastructure Initiative for construction.

The total cost of the project is $2.4 million. The centre will be located by the waterfront next to the Université de Moncton, Shippagan campus, and the Aquarium and Marine centre of New Brunswick). The centre will accommodate the growing demand for conferences.

“The Town of Shippagan is proud to receive the provincial contribution made to this project,” said Shippagan Mayor Jonathan Roch Noël. “When constructed, this facility will enable the municipality to be more creative and to be on the forefront of its sustainable development.”

Investing in infrastructure is an objective identified in An Action Plan for Self-Sufficiency in Northern New Brunswick 2010-2013.


●    Regional Development Corporation: