SAINT-LÉONARD (CNB) – The provincial government is investing an additional $200,000 in the construction of a regional emergency centre in Saint-Léonard. Premier David Alward made the announcement today.

"Our investment in this important regional infrastructure project will ensure emergency responders can work in a safe environment and provide quality service to residents of the region," said Alward.

Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Martine Coulombe and Carmel St-Amand, mayor of Saint-Léonard, also participated in the announcement.

“The town council of Saint-Léonard and our firefighters join me in thanking the provincial government for their excellent collaboration in the construction of a regional emergency centre in our municipality,” said St-Amand. “This complex will serve the Saint-Léonard region for fire and ambulance services and will be available for emergencies for the entire Lower Madawaska region.”

Funding provided through the Regional Development Corporation will help defray the costs of construction. The centre will be used to house emergency vehicles serving the Town of Saint-Léonard and the local service districts of Saint-Léonard-Parent and Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes.

Today’s announcement brings the provincial government's total investment in the project to $500,000.