SHIPPAGAN (CNB) – The provincial government is making an investment to support the Réseau des Complexes Jeunesse Multifonctionnels de la Péninsule acadienne, a network of multipurpose centres for youth on the Acadian Peninsula.

Economic Development Minister Paul Robichaud and Maxime Caron, president of the organization, made the announcement today.

"Throughout the entire Acadian Peninsula, the volunteers of the Réseau (the network) work with young people to help them to realize their potential, find their voice and prepare them to become future leaders for the region and our province," said Robichaud. "The provincial government and the Réseau believe that it is important to invest in our youth today because they are the future of our society."

The Regional Development Corporation is investing $170,000 to support the network in its outreach activities on the Acadian Peninsula.

"As we work to build a new foundation for our province, we need to ensure all regions of New Brunswick are part of this effort," said Robichaud. "Together, we are working to spur economic growth and development in northern New Brunswick through our $200-million economic development and innovation fund as well as other initiatives."

The network is helping young people, especially at-risk youth in the region, to develop the skills and confidence to be productive members of the workforce.

“We strongly believe this investment will benefit everyone on the Acadian Peninsula by creating future generations that will be engaged and motivated,” said Caron.