DOUGLAS (GNB) – The provincial government is providing funding for the purchase of equipment for the Douglas Soccer Club.

"The Douglas Soccer Club is 100-per-cent volunteer run and has grown to more than 500 players,” said Human Resources Minister Troy Lifford. “It is becoming more popular every year.  It is a real success story."

Lifford made the funding presentation to the local soccer association on behalf of Economic Development Minister Paul Robichaud, who is minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation.

"Our government is proud to work with groups such as this, which have a significant impact in our communities by bringing families together and promoting active and healthy lifestyles,” said Lifford. “These investments will help them continue to expand and meet their growing demands."

Funding from the Regional Development Corporation under the Family and Youth Capital Assistance Program was used to buy new soccer nets used by the club this summer.

The program gives community groups, non-profit organizations, local service districts and municipalities an opportunity to apply for funding for eligible capital costs for youth- and family-related projects such as playgrounds, sports/recreational facilities, community centres and community equipment.