BATHURST (GNB) – A total of 40 new jobs will be created by Blue Ocean Contact Centers, Premier Brian Gallant announced today.

“Northern New Brunswick has a lot to offer businesses,” said Gallant. “This is demonstrated by Blue Ocean investing to create these jobs in Bathurst.”

Blue Ocean has been in Bathurst since 2000 and employs 125 people.

“Growth is our top business priority and Bathurst is an important part of our growth plan,” said Andrew O’Brien, president and chief operating officer of the company. “Our ability to hire and retain excellent people who are committed to doing excellent work is the foundation of our business. One of our major clients is rewarding us with more work because of the track record of our Bathurst team and, thanks to Opportunities NB and their investment in Blue Ocean, we are well positioned to take on these new challenges.”

Blue Ocean is an IMP Group company. It provides call centre outsourcing services such as customer service support, order management, technical support, roadside assistance, sales support, and reservations and registrations.

Opportunities NB will contribute up to $173,500 in the form of a payroll rebate over five years to create and maintain 40 full-time positions. The creation of the 40 new jobs is estimated to increase the provincial GDP by $1.6 million annually.

The Regional Development Corporation is providing capital expenditure support of up to $50,000 through the Northern New Brunswick Economic Development and Innovation Fund.

Opportunities NB is a Crown corporation that seeks to attract and support opportunities to grow the economy and create jobs. It provides support services for businesses across the province.