SAINT JOHN (GNB) – An investment of more than $1.2 million by the provincial and federal governments has helped launch Enterprise Saint John’s Smart and Connected Community Data Strategy. The initiative aims to transform the Saint John regional economy by using large collections of data.

“Information technology is an important sector for the New Brunswick economy, providing interesting opportunities,” said Service New Brunswick Minister Ed Doherty. “Our investment in this project demonstrates our commitment to invest in innovation to help the information technology sector and the New Brunswick economy.”

Doherty spoke on behalf of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Donald Arseneault, who is also minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation.

“The Smart and Connected Community Data Strategy represents a huge leap in big data innovation potential,” said Saint John-Rothesay MP Wayne Long. “It will build and grow an inclusive innovation ecosystem where industry, ideas and investments will come together and enhance economic prosperity for the entire Greater Saint John region.”

Long attended for federal Innovation, Science and Economic Development Minister Navdeep Bains, who is also the minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA).

The initiative involves strategically placing beacons and sensors throughout the Greater Saint John area to collect real-time data. This information will be analyzed and shared to create smart applications for businesses and communities interested in becoming more efficient, while helping researchers and innovators resolve social and economic issues.

“We have five municipalities, but one community,” said Steve Carson, CEO of Enterprise Saint John. “Our vision is to be Canada’s most connected community by highlighting the strengths of our technology, people and strategic location. Global technology leaders Cisco and T4G are already investing in this community because they know Saint John is a hub of innovation. We hope this major project will attract even more innovators who will work with data from our world-class industrial base and business community to come up with new opportunities to drive this region’s economy and be a model for others around the world.”

The provincial government is investing $100,000 in the initiative. The federal government is providing a non-repayable contribution of $1,151,780 through ACOA's Innovative Communities Fund. Enterprise Saint John is investing $110,248. Cisco is providing $200,000 while Bell Aliant is contributing $60,000.