PETIT-ROCHER (GNB) – The provincial and federal governments are each contributing $895,333 for improvements to the Complexe Madisco in Petit-Rocher. The upgrades are part of a plan to transform the centre into the Maison de l’Acadie, a community complex offering services to francophones and Acadians.

“Your government understands how important creating jobs, growing the economy, and securing health care and education are to New Brunswickers and their families,” said Environment and Local Government Minister Serge Rousselle. “New Brunswickers want their government to make investments to help the economy, and our investment in the Maison de l’Acadie will help strengthen and improve the quality of life of the local francophone and Acadian communities.”

Rousselle spoke on behalf of Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Fraser, who is also the minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation.

The funding will be used to add emergency exits, modernize the heating and ventilation system and make other improvements to better serve the community organizations housed in the complex. The Comité permanent de développement du Juvénat Inc., which is a tenant of the complex, will provide the balance of the funding for the $2.6-million project.

“The Government of Canada is proud to invest in projects like the Maison de l’Acadie community complex that bring people together and help residents maintain a healthy lifestyle,” said Acadie-Bathurst MP Serge Cormier. “Investments in public infrastructure projects not only enhance Canadians’ quality of life, but also create good, well-paying jobs that help Canadian communities grow and prosper.”

Cormier attended for federal Infrastructure and Communities Minister Amarjeet Sohi.

“Investments like this one are important for the community,” said Mylène Ouellet-LeBlanc, president of the Comité permanent de développement du Juvénat. “Improvements to the building will allow provincial groups such as the Société de l’Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick, the Association francophone des municipalités du Nouveau-Brunswick and the Société des Jeux de l’Acadie to keep their offices in northern New Brunswick. In addition, regional centres that offer essential services will be better able to properly welcome the members of the community who come to the building every day.”