FREDERICTON JUNCTION (GNB) – The provincial and federal governments today announced more than $1.6 million in joint funding for two new infrastructure projects in Fredericton Junction.

“Targeting smart infrastructure investments to produce long-term prosperity and strengthen communities will have a lasting positive impact on the quality of life of all residents,” said Energy and Resource Development Minister Rick Doucet.

Doucet spoke on behalf of Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Fraser, who is also minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation.

The first project is the replacement of the municipal well. The second project involves renewing the Wilsey Road Wastewater Pumping Station.

“By investing in public infrastructure the Government of Canada is creating economic growth, opportunities and good jobs for the middle class,” said New Brunswick Southwest MP Karen Ludwig. “Strategic infrastructure like the water and wastewater systems in Fredericton Junction will ensure residents have access to clean water while also protecting the environment. Projects like these will help ensure the long-term health and prosperity of New Brunswick residents for generations to come.”

Ludwig attended for federal Infrastructure and Communities minister Amarjeet Sohi.

The federal and provincial governments are each contributing $442,530 for the municipal well replacement project through the Small Communities Fund. The village will provide the balance of the funding.

The federal government is providing $143,750 and the provincial government is contributing $71,875 for the pumping station renewal project through the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund. The village will provide the balance of the funding.

“We are excited about this funding announcement which will allow our village to address two major issues,” said James Webb, deputy mayor of Fredericton Junction. “Providing safe clean drinking water to our residents is our number one priority as well as providing them with a modern and efficient wastewater facility. We are pleased to have both the federal and provincial governments partnering with us to see these projects through – a clear demonstration of their support of rural New Brunswick and small communities like our beautiful little community of Fredericton Junction.”