SAINT CROIX (GNB) – The provincial government is investing $151,500 towards an expansion project at Lakeland Industries in Saint Croix.

“The provincial government is proud to invest in this project,” said Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister John Ames. “Today’s celebration is a result of hard work and dedication by the entire community working together to help provide a safer and more efficient work environment at Lakeland Industries.”

Ames spoke on behalf of Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Fraser, who is also minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation.

The $324,975 expansion project includes new workstations for an extended learning centre and a marketing and communications centre. Additional space will also be provided for preparation of products to be sold at the Lakeland Shoppe. New services will also be added to the Lakeland Community Food Bank like cold food storage for fresh produce.

“The board of directors has worked very hard to develop new workstations and opportunities to meet the needs and potential of our clients,” said Joanne Eales, president. “This will provide enhanced services and delivery for the 35 intellectually and physically challenged adults currently working at Lakeland Industries.”

The government is investing through the Regional Development Corporation. Lakeland Industries will contribute $155,975. The remaining $17,500 has been donated by MarWood Ltd., CertainTeed Gypsum Inc., and NBTA Credit Union.