SAINT JOHN (CNB) – Fifty-one new apartments for low-income individuals and people with disabilities were officially opened today in Saint John.

"As we officially open these new housing units, we are reminded of the importance of providing people with safe and affordable housing," said Social Development Minister Sue Stultz, who is also minister responsible for seniors, housing and community non-profit organizations. "These units join thousands of others across the province that help more low income families and individuals find a place to call home. With the support of our partners, we can continue to make a difference here in Saint John and throughout New Brunswick."

The development, at 120 Queen St., cost almost $4.8 million and was completed in February. The development received $1.5 million under the Federal / Provincial Affordable Rental Housing Program to offset construction costs and more than $2.7 million in rent supplements from the provincial government for 50 of the 51 units.

"This is great news for those who need a hand-up, and for Saint John itself," said Saint John MP Rodney Weston. "By providing more rental options for local residents, these new housing units will also contribute to the economic and social well-being of the community."

Weston spoke on behalf of Diane Finley, minister of human resources and skills development, and minister responsible for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp.

The Queen Court development was designed by Avide Developments and established by Tannery Court Cooperative Ltd., a non-profit developer incorporated in New Brunswick in 2004 to help provide targeted housing to groups in need.

Under the Canada-New Brunswick Affordable Housing Agreement, funding is available to private non-profit organizations, co-operatives, and community or private developers interested in developing projects for low-income families, seniors, non-elderly singles, disabled persons and persons with special needs.

Queen Court was built to high energy-efficiency standards, and involved consultation with Efficiency NB. Builders of affordable housing projects for low-income individuals may receive an incentive of $2,000 per apartment unit if the building is heated by low greenhouse gas emission technologies as approved by Efficiency NB.


●    Department of Social Development (housing):
●    Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation: