FREDERICTON (CNB) – The following message was released today by Social Development Minister Sue Stultz in observance of National Foster Family Week, Oct. 16-23:

As we celebrate National Foster Family Week, I thank all those who have opened their hearts and homes to children and young people in care while they wait to be reunited with their families. This week of recognition for foster families is an opportunity to celebrate those who have chosen to have a child or youth join their family.

Foster families offer love, support and nurturing to children when they can no longer safely live in their homes. A debt of gratitude is owed to foster families for their dedication and commitment to caring for foster children and youth in New Brunswick.

It is always the goal of the Department of Social Development to reunite children and youth with their parents. Until a reunion can take place, we need compassionate individuals and families to provide temporary homes to those in need.

The need for foster families never ends. I encourage those who are considering becoming foster families to contact their regional office of Social Development.

To all the foster families across New Brunswick, I offer my sincerest appreciation for all you do to help children and youth in need of foster care.