SAINT JOHN (GNB) – Residents and community members joined with provincial representatives to celebrate the completion of Phase 1 of the Loch Lomond Villa project with the official opening of the 100-bed replacement facility in Saint John today.

The new $30.25 million replacement is located on Loch Lomond Road. Phase two will see extensive renovations to the older remaining building, which is located across from the new facility. Once complete, the total number of beds will be 190.

“Providing seniors with good quality care and opportunities to continue contributing to the communities they built is a key part of our government's plan to rebuild New Brunswick,” said Premier David Alward. “The 100-bed replacement of Loch Lomond Villa provides our seniors with an enhanced quality of life in their community.”

The two-storey replacement is energy efficient and contains more space and privacy for residents. It is divided into four houses, each with 25 residents. All four houses have a living room, dining room, activity room and family quiet room. The majority of the rooms are private rooms with an ensuite bathroom.

“This state-of-the art facility provides our seniors with modern amenities so they can spend their golden years in comfort right here in Saint John,” said Social Development Minister Madeleine Dubé. “Having this facility in the community enables seniors to have access to the care they need close to home, family and friends.”

The communal area of Loch Lomond Villa provides space for a variety of activities and services aimed at providing an enhanced quality of life for the residents such as a hair salon, rehabilitation services, café and theatre.


●    Department of Social Development (seniors)