FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following message was released today by Social Development Minister Madeleine Dubé in recognition of November being National Adoption Awareness Month:

National Adoption Awareness month is celebrated each year to focus attention on the need for adoptive families and to thank the many families who have adopted a child or children. As we celebrate adoptive families, we should remember that there are many children in New Brunswick who are waiting to be adopted. There is an ongoing need for permanent, nurturing and supportive families to open their homes and their hearts to these children.

Families come in all shapes and sizes. It is not their make-up, but the ability of family members to nurture, love and support each other, that make families the ideal place for children to be raised. By adopting a child, you are inviting a new family member into your home and your heart. More importantly, you offer a waiting child a chance at a new life and a family to call their own.

I acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the staff working to find our children loving, permanent, families. I also recognize the work of the New Brunswick Adoption Foundation in promoting and raising awareness of the importance of adoption.

To those who have opened their hearts and homes to adopt a child, I commend you. To those who are considering adoption, I encourage you to contact your regional office of Department of Social Development.


●    Department of Social Development