FREDERICTON (GNB) – A response was issued today by Social Development Minister Madeleine Dubé in regards to the April 11 recommendations of the Child Death Review Committee.

"The protection of children is one of our primary concerns," said Dubé."I thank the committee for its review of these cases and the recommendations that can help improve the child welfare system for children and their families."

The committee reviews the facts and circumstances related to the sudden and unexpected deaths of all children under 19 years of age in New Brunswick. In cases where the child was under the care of or had received services from the Minister of Social Development, the Chief Coroner provides the minister with the recommendations that relate to services provided by the department.

In April, the committee issued three recommendations through the Office of the Chief Coroner. Under the committee's terms of reference, the department must respond to recommendations within 45 days.


The department reinforces with its clients the dangers of co-sleeping with infants and children.

The department reinforces with its clients the dangers of unsafe sleep surfaces, such as couches, for infants and children, and educates clients on appropriate sleep surfaces, such as cribs and beds.

That, prior to a newborn's release from hospital, the dangers of co-sleeping with newborns, babies and infants be reinforced with parents by all agencies that provide services with respect to child protection and pre- and post-natal care.


Social workers assigned to the Child Protection and Family Enhancement Services Branch continually assess the child's living conditions; the entire home is observed, and in particular, the child's sleeping area.

The Multiple Response Practice Standards in the branch will be amended to recommend that in the case of infants and very young children, in addition to observing the child's sleeping area, the social worker will review safe sleeping practices and safe sleeping surfaces with the parent.

In addition, practice standards will include a link to the health website in order for social workers to access the Loving Care series of booklets and a link to the Public Health Agency of Canada website for instructional videos.

Three volumes of the Loving Care series are provided to parents of newborns prior to hospital discharge and are referenced by Public Health nurses on home visits. The fourth volume is provided by the Public Health Branch of the Department of Health to the parent when the child attends the 18-month clinic.

The Department of Social Development will provide copies of the Loving Care series to each of its regional offices.

The department and the Public Health Branch will continue to collaborate to share best practices and reinforce the safety, well-being and development of children who are mutual clients.


●    Loving Care series - Parents and Families
●    Loving Care series - Birth to 6 months
●    Loving Care series - 6 to 12 months
●    Loving Care series - 1 to 3 years
●    Public Health Agency of Canada - Instructional videos