MIRAMICHI (GNB) – The provincial government has released a report on fostering healthy aging and support for seniors. It stems from the stakeholder engagement process to develop the New Brunswick Family Plan.

“Our seniors have valuable knowledge and skills to share with society,” said Seniors and Long-Term Care Minister Lisa Harris. “Thanks to the aging strategy and other important tools such as this report, the aging experience for New Brunswickers will be the best it can be.”

The report is based on feedback received during a summit in February. It is part of the government’s initiatives and commitments to address the challenges of an aging population and to improve the quality of life for seniors.

The document recognizes that New Brunswick has the largest proportion of seniors in Canada, with the percentage expected to increase in the coming years. The report outlines goals and actions to help seniors retain their independence and manage chronic illness.

Efforts to foster healthy aging and support for seniors will be undertaken in the following areas:

  • Focusing on healthy, active aging with particular attention to prevention and wellness within an inclusive, age-friendly community environment.
  • Improving access to home- and community-based support through a co-ordinated model of care.
  • Providing a responsive and integrated system that is accessible, that identifies and bridges gaps between health and social services, and that is centred on rehabilitation and reablement.
  • Facilitating access to appropriate support and care to enable healthy aging.

Chuck Gray, president of the River Valley chapter of the New Brunswick Senior Citizens’ Federation, participated in the summit. Gray said he appreciates the diverse network of stakeholders who took part because it is important that seniors are included in the process.

“Decisions for seniors should be made with seniors,” said Gray.

The report complements the New Brunswick Family Plan, which focuses government action in seven priority areas: improving access to primary and acute care; promoting wellness; supporting people with addictions and mental health challenges; fostering healthy aging and support for seniors; reducing poverty; supporting people with disabilities; and advancing women’s equality.