FREDERICTON (GNB) – Many people resign themselves to gaining weight over the holidays, resolving to get into shape in the new year.

However, healthy eating during the festive season, and all year long, is easier than you think.

The holidays provide a great opportunity to visit with family and friends while also enjoying some treats, but it is important to eat well and fit some exercise into your holiday schedule to help stay healthy and active year-round.

The Department of Social Development encourages people to make the commitment that 2018 will be their healthiest year yet.

If you are looking to make a lifestyle change, some tips from Healthy Canadians may help you enjoy your holiday gatherings without ruining your plans and progress:

  • Indulge in your favourite holiday foods, but in smaller portions. Skip the treats, such as chips, that you can get any time of the year.
  • The holidays can be hectic. Keep some healthy snacks on hand, such as pre-cut fruits and vegetables, to avoid stops at the drive-thru.
  • Load up with colour by filling half your plate with vegetables and fruit. This helps balance some of the heavier options that are often part of holiday meals.

Making the right food choices and becoming more active will improve your overall wellness. Healthy eating is only one part of overall wellness, but a significant one. By making healthy choices today, you are making a positive change from which you may benefit for years to come.