TORONTO (GNB) – New Brunswick joined other provincial, territorial and federal governments in endorsing a multilateral Housing Partnership Framework at a meeting Monday in Toronto.

“With this Housing Partnership Framework, we will be building on housing investments being made across the country,” said Families and Children Minister Stephen Horsman. “We will continue to work together on solutions to housing issues and to help Canadians access and maintain safe and affordable housing.”

As part of the framework, it was agreed that governments will achieve better housing outcomes by: sharing information that will make the development and delivery of programs more effective; collaborating with stakeholders; and aligning housing policies and planning with other sectors to create effective housing solutions and vibrant communities.

“Today’s endorsement of the Housing Partnership Framework marks a significant step forward to realizing the vision and bold outcomes of the National Housing Strategy,” said federal Families, Children and Social Development Minister Jean-Yves Duclos, who is also the minister responsible for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. “The Government of Canada, together with provincial and territorial governments, are investing more than $40 billion, in addition to current ongoing commitments, to protect, repair and expand community housing for vulnerable Canadians, including urban indigenous people, women and girls. Together, we will make affordable housing more available, accessible and appropriate to help Canadians meet their needs.”

The provincial and territorial governments will now begin work on separate bilateral agreements with the federal government.

Federal, provincial and territorial governments are primary partners in housing with shared responsibilities and complementary roles. Under the National Housing Strategy, the governments are to work together to make housing more affordable and accessible through the following initiatives: the Canada Housing Benefit, the Canada Community Housing Initiative, provincial/territorial priority funding, and funding for the northern territories.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Horsman will be available to answer questions from the news media following a nursing home announcement at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 10, at the York Care Centre, 100 Sunset Dr., Fredericton.