FREDERICTON (GNB) – A review of New Brunswick’s child protection system has produced recommendations spanning 17 areas, including legislation, training, technology, decision-making, departmental structure, staffing and human resources.

Consultant George Savoury presented his report today to Social Development Minister Dorothy Shephard.

“Government has committed to protecting children at risk,” said Shephard. “We recognize that child protective practices are complex and high-risk in nature, and improvements to our system can always be made.”

Changes to the child protection system are underway and will continue. In total, there are 107 recommendations which will require both short-term and long-term planning.

“At first glance, 107 recommendations may lead some to believe that the province’s child protection system is broken, but I can assure New Brunswickers that is far from the truth,” said Savoury. “Routinely reviewing programs, policies and procedures is necessary to improve practices. I commend the Government of New Brunswick for requesting such a review.”

The recommendations will have the largest impact on the Department of Social Development, however some will also involve the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, the Department of Justice, the Department of Public Safety and Aboriginal Affairs.

“I want to thank Mr. Savoury for his hard work on this thorough review,” said Shephard. “I look forward to working with departmental staff on reviewing the recommendations and determining priorities and time frames for implementation.”