FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement was issued today by Social Development Minister Bruce Fitch to recognize November as Adoption Awareness Month:

We celebrate Adoption Awareness Month for several reasons, including to thank the many families who have adopted children and youth. We celebrate to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the staff who are working to find children loving, permanent, forever families.

I would also like to take this opportunity to recognize the work of the New Brunswick Adoption Foundation in promoting and raising awareness of the importance of adoption. This partnership with Social Development is tremendously important and continues to evolve. Ultimately, the commitment and collaboration of families, our staff and the foundation lead to children having permanent families.

This month is also an important occasion to remember that there are about 500 children in New Brunswick who are waiting to be adopted into their forever family. There is an ongoing need for permanent, nurturing and supportive families to open their homes and their hearts to these children and youth.

Adoption provides a legal means for a family to permanently take on the responsibility of caring for and raising a child, however it is much more than a legal process. Adopting a child is a lifelong commitment, and we in government are appreciative that so many families have made this commitment.

We thank all of those who have opened their hearts and homes to adopt a child. To those who are considering adoption, I encourage you to contact your local Social Development office.

For more information on adoption in New Brunswick: