EDMUNDSTON (GNB) – The pool is now open at de la République provincial park after having undergone major repairs last summer.

Other developments at the park include:

  • installation of Wi-Fi service in the canteen area, as part of a pilot project to introduce Wi-Fi in provincial parks;
  • other upgrades to campground facilities and amenities including installing water services at a number of campsites; and
  • installation of electrical service at a number of campsites following a $500,000 investment in the park in 2012 in preparation for the upcoming World Acadian Congress in August.

“Our provincial parks are terrific places to enjoy New Brunswick’s natural wonders and spend time outdoors with family and friends,” said Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister Trevor Holder. “We are committed to preserving that unique experience. I encourage everyone to visit de la République this summer and enjoy everything the park has to offer.”

De la République provincial park, opened in 1974, welcomes an average of 44,000 visitors each year.