FREDERICTON – Entrance to several provincial parks will be free on Canada Day and New Brunswick Day in celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday.

“As part of our Getting away is closer than you think campaign, I am inviting New Brunswickers to rediscover our amazing province,” said Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister John Ames. “A visit to one of our parks is an excellent day trip or mini-getaway.”

Located throughout the province, the parks offer a wide variety of experiences. The following will be offering free gate admission:

  • Parlee Beach
  • Mactaquac
  • Mount Carleton
  • Murray Beach
  • de la République
  • Herring Cove
  • Sugarloaf
  • New River Beach
  • Hopewell Rocks

The tourism industry is an important job creator, employing more than 42,000 people in New Brunswick, and it contributes more than $520 million annually to the provincial GDP. For every public dollar invested in promoting New Brunswick as a tourism destination, there is a return of $3.19 to the province. The budget for the Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture increased by 17.6 per cent this year. In addition, a capital investment of $75 million will be made over the next three years for upgrades to assets of cultural and historic significance.

The public is encouraged to visit the Canada 150 NB website, website, use the hashtag #NBProud, and follow @Canada150NB on social media and share why they are proud to be New Brunswickers. Individuals can also follow @Canada150 to learn more about the various activities happening in the province this year.