MCADAM (GNB) – The provincial government is investing $56,250 to help improve amenities and activities at the McAdam Lake Campground.

“The natural beauty and tranquility of the McAdam Lake Campground has drawn visitors to the region for decades,” said Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister John Ames. “With an investment towards the campground’s activities and amenities, the campground will continue to be enjoyed for generations to come.”

Lot sizes are larger than those at other campgrounds in the region, while Wauklehegan Lake offers visitors fishing and recreational activities. The grant will go toward upgrading the electrical, water and sewage systems, in addition to improving the campground’s selection of activities.

The campground is situated along the lakeshore, a short distance from the village.

“We are very excited about this announcement,” said Deputy Mayor Taylor Gallant. “This investment will raise the profile of our campground, thereby attracting more visitors, and visitor spending to our community.”

Demand for campsites has grown over the past decade, contributing to increased tourism at nearby attractions, such as the railway station, and more recreational activities on the lake and along the St. Croix River.