FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement was issued by Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister Robert Gauvin in recognition of February being Black History Month:

Black History Month is a good opportunity to reflect upon and learn about the contribution of African Canadians to New Brunswick’s history and acknowledge those who continue to make valuable contributions to the rich social and cultural identity of our province.

New Brunswick was built thanks to the contributions of multiple cultural groups, including members of the black community. Throughout the years, African Canadians have always been important contributors to the development of our province.

Whether we are looking at economic development, social advancement, culture or sports, members of the black community have made an impact, despite the many challenges and obstacles that they have faced.

I thank all the groups and organizations that help us better understand how black history has contributed to and shaped our province. I encourage everyone to take part in activities that celebrate this important part of our heritage.