Government of New Brunswick


The Arts in Communities (AIC) Program is intended for new, emerging and established arts and cultural organizations and performing arts festivals that strengthen New Brunswick communities artistically, culturally and economically through vibrant arts and cultural activities. The AIC Program supports specific projects and initiatives that leverages partnerships with other arts organizations (where applicable) and/or engage professional, and/or emerging artists.

Deadline: May 24, 2024 October 15, 2024


There are two deadlines for this project, May 24th for projects occurring before October 15th and October 15th for projects occurring between October 15th and March 31st.


The general objectives of this program are to encourage greater levels of artistic creativity and excellence, increase awareness of and participation in arts activities, encourage partnerships between arts and cultural organizations and other sectors, support innovative cultural activities, provide more employment opportunities for professional artists and attract visitors and enhance the creative economy in New Brunswick.

Level of Funding:

Category A: Up to $2,500 per organization per year
Category B: Up to $7,000 per organization per year
Category C: Up to $10,000 per organization per year

* Please refer to the guidelines/program call on the Arts Culture NB Portal which contains important information about deadlines and criteria of this program.

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