FREDERICTON (CNB) – New Brunswickers are invited by Lt.-Gov. Graydon Nicholas to welcome 2012 by joining him at the Lieutenant-Governor’s New Year’s Day Levee.
"The levee is a centuries-old tradition of greeting your neighbours – and the New Year," said Nicholas. "The event has become all the more popular during my term with a renewed emphasis on families."

The levee will run from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 1, at the lieutenant-governor’s official residence, Government House, 51 Woodstock Rd., Fredericton. Donations to the Fredericton Food Bank will be accepted.

Nearly 3,000 people joined Nicholas and his wife, Beth, at the 2011 levee to enjoy music, food and friendship.

"We hope to see old and new friends, and especially children on New Year's Day," said Nicholas. “We wish everyone health, happiness and prosperity in 2012."