FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement regarding the appointment of Jocelyne Roy-Vienneau to the office of lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick was issued today by Premier David Alward:

On behalf of all New Brunswickers, I want to take this opportunity to congratulate Jocelyne Roy-Vienneau on her appointment as New Brunswick’s 31st lieutenant-governor.

Ms. Roy-Vienneau is a passionate educator and served as the vice-president of the Université de Moncton’s Shippagan campus, as the CEO of the Bathurst campus of the New Brunswick Community College system and as the assistant deputy minister of the Department of Education.

During her time in Shippagan she has overseen the institutions growth as well as helped foster its economic and sociocultural development in the region.

Her career is illustrative of the excellence and diversity of our education system.

She’s been influential at every stop along her way and I have no doubt that will continue in her new position as lieutenant-governor.

Ms. Roy-Vienneau’s combination of hard work, dedication and life experience makes her an ideal choice for the role. She will no doubt serve as an inspiration for the people of our province and represent us well here at home, on the national stage and internationally.

We are fortunate in New Brunswick to have a wealth of deserving candidates for the position of lieutenant-governor. I know the Prime Minister was faced with a tough decision and he made an excellent choice in Ms. Roy-Vienneau.

I would also like to take this occasion to thank our outgoing Lt.-Gov. Graydon Nicholas for his tremendous work throughout the past five years. His appointment in 2009 was a milestone for New Brunswick as he became the first Aboriginal to be chosen as the Queen's representative in the province. He has been a great ambassador for New Brunswick and a role model for residents. His tenure will be remembered as an historic one in our province.

The great work done by Mr. Nicholas will be carried on by Ms. Roy-Vienneau as we head into the future.