FREDERICTON (GNB) – New Brunswickers are invited to join Lt.-Gov. Jocelyne Roy Vienneau on Sunday, June 12, for a provincial celebration to honour the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II.

“For most of us, Queen Elizabeth has always been part of our lives,” said Roy Vienneau. “She represents continuity, commitment and service to others. She is a role model to all because of her life of duty.”

Roy Vienneau will host a garden party from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Government House in Fredericton as part of a series of events that are taking place across the Commonwealth to mark the birthday. There will be music, entertainment, cake and lemonade, the planting of a special rose garden, as well as the unveiling of a new surprise in honour of the Queen.

“I invite all New Brunswickers to join me in this special event, marking 90 years of one of the most significant women in the world,” said Roy Vienneau. “We will also have a special book of good wishes available for people to sign, which we will send to Buckingham Palace.

“New Brunswickers have always had a special relationship with monarchies, from the King of France claiming this land as New France in 1604, to the first visit by a reigning British sovereign, King George VI, 77 years ago this weekend.”