FUZHOU, China (GNB) – Lt.-Gov. Jocelyne Roy Vienneau and Aquaculture and Fisheries Minister Rick Doucet helped officially open the new Fuzhou Concord College of Sino-Canada, a school offering the New Brunswick curriculum.

“New Brunswick has a reputation for being inclusive, innovative and inspiring,” said Roy Vienneau. “It is wonderful to see that the education system that has inspired so many to excel and make important contributions in their communities is being employed in China.”

The kindergarten-to-Grade 12 school is supported by Atlantic Education International (AEI), a provincial government agency which was established in 1997 in partnership with Francis Pang of AKD International, the Concord College of Sino-Canada, and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, to implement various educational initiatives. AEI recruits qualified teachers to work abroad at Concord Colleges and various international schools which offer New Brunswick curriculums. Students at these schools earn a New Brunswick diploma upon meeting graduation requirements.

Fuzhou school offers the New Brunswick curriculum from Grades 10 to 12, allowing students to earn a dual diploma.

New Brunswick has partnered with AKD since 1997 to offer a New Brunswick education to students in China. Fuzhou Concord College of Sino-Canada is one of 15 schools operated in China by AKD through its partnership with New Brunswick.

During an October 2016 trade mission to China, Premier Brian Gallant participated in the opening of the AKD’s International School of Nanshan Shenzhen.

“This is a relationship that benefits parents in China who want to offer their children a quality education, and provides New Brunswick with revenues to support education and health-care services in our province,” said Doucet. “Throughout this mission we are showing our partners that New Brunswickers are committed to excellence in everything we do, from the schooling we provide to the products and food we export.”

Roy Vienneau and Doucet are leading a New Brunswick trade mission in China.