FREDERICTON (CNB) - The following statement was issued today by Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries Minister Michael Olscamp to mark Canadian Agricultural Safety Week, March 13 - 19:

The purpose of this week is to promote the importance of safe farming practices.

2011 marks the second of a three-year campaign, Plan - Farm - Safety, by the Canadian Safety Agricultural Association. The focus this year is on Farm with highlights on implementation, documentation and training.

Agriculture is a leading primary industry in the province with direct employment of more than 8,000. It is the economic engine which drives much of rural New Brunswick. The provision of a safe working environment, and the promotion and enforcement of the highest standard safety protocols are key to the success of the industry.
It is important to observe safe farming practices every day. By planning and taking simple measures, we can avoid accidents that could have devastating and even fatal results.

The Canadian Federation of Agriculture and the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association co-ordinate this safety week in partnership with sponsors Farm Credit Canada and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada with its federal-provincial-territorial initiative Growing Forward.

The New Brunswick Agricultural Alliance is a strong advocate of farm safety and actively supports the campaign.