SUSSEX (GNB) – The recently-established New Brunswick Livestock Development Centre was officially opened in Sussex today. The centre will host the province’s livestock specialists and foster an environment for research and innovation in the industry.

“The decision to create a development center in Sussex is the result of consultation with industry,” said Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries Minister Michael Olscamp. “Sussex is a strategic location. The Sussex office remains a full-service facility that supports the department's veterinarians and agriculture staff who provide advice on crop and livestock production and on business and resource management.”

The department has relocated its dairy specialist to Sussex and recently filled the provincial position of Crop Development Specialist – Livestock Feed. Additional specialists will be located at the centre in the future.

The centre will work with industry to address productivity issues and opportunities such as technology adoption, collaborative research, and new crop development.

Staff at the centre will also lead in the development of a provincial Livestock Feed Strategy that will assess how the sector performs in terms of production and efficiency, and develop recommendations for short and long-term objectives.