SHEDIAC (GNB) – Premier Brian Gallant hosted an Opportunities Summit for the provincial aquaculture and fisheries sectors yesterday, Nov. 5, in Shediac.

“These sectors show how innovation can help us compete in our traditional industries to create jobs across New Brunswick, especially in our rural communities,” said Gallant. “We are pleased to hear from industry leaders about the ways our government can work to create the conditions for success and leverage our strengths to help these sectors grow.”

The summit brought together a variety of people from the various groups included in these sectors, including harvesters and processors, to discuss how the industry can collaborate to create jobs and help the economy grow.

In 2013, New Brunswick was the country’s second-largest exporter of fish and seafood, with exports valued at more than $1 billion.

The aquaculture and fishery sectors generated more than 7,500 full-time equivalent jobs in 2013 in primary and processing activities.

Discussions focused on labour, innovation, marketing, co-ordination of research, export opportunities, infrastructure, diversification and red tape reduction.

“This summit was an excellent opportunity to bring all of the key industry members around the table,” said Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries Minister Rick Doucet. “Our government will continue to work with these sectors to help them grow and flourish, while looking at ways we can collaborate to develop new ideas and innovative ways to help New Brunswick’s world-famous fish and seafood products gain access to new and existing markets.”

A series of Opportunities Summits are taking place around the province to identify new prospects for creating jobs and economic growth in New Brunswick. The growth opportunities identified will be reviewed and evaluated for development as part of an economic action plan for the province.