FREDERICTON (CNB) – New Brunswick contractors interested in bidding on the replacement of the international bridge linking Fort Kent, Maine, and Clair are required to attend a pre-bid information session on Tuesday, June 28.

The session will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Atlantic time) at the John A. Millar Civic Center, 94 Randall Ave., Houlton, Maine.

Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Claude Williams released details about the session today.

"We are ready to move forward with construction of a new bridge at this border crossing,” said Williams. “To prepare contractors, we are holding one information session to provide them with details."

The session will give potential bidders the opportunity to gather information about the complexity of issues associated with working on the project, including customs and immigration requirements, duties, labour requirements and other border topics.  

In January, the provincial government made a commitment to join Maine to replace the bridge crossing the St. John River. The project consists of the construction of a four-span, steel-beam bridge, including three in-river piers and two abutments.

Construction will begin following a tender process. The project is open to all American and Canadian contractors.

Costs for the project, including removal of the existing structure, will be shared between New Brunswick and Maine.