BOUCTOUCHE (GNB) – The provincial government is investing $2.65 million in two infrastructure projects in Bouctouche, mainly to improve the municipal water system.

“I am pleased to participate in this announcement concerning projects whose objectives are consistent with the economic objectives of the province,” said Premier David Alward. “Both projects fit in perfectly with the vision of our government, since by investing in the infrastructure of our communities; we are helping to rebuild New Brunswick.”

The investment includes $2.3 million for a water system project designed to replace well No. 3 with two new water sources located in the Girouardville Road area. The commissioning of a replacement well (well No. 5) will include the construction of a pumping station and a connection to the municipal water system. The work will be performed this year by Caraquet-based Foulem Construction Ltd. and Beale and Inch Construction Ltd. of Sackville.

This provincial investment follows a $3 million project under the Communities Component of the Building Canada Fund, which received equal funding from the federal, provincial, and municipal governments. The project was designed to improve the municipal water system. An additional $740,768 from the Gas Tax Fund was also invested in recent years for waterworks projects in the municipality.

“Our government's support has helped ensure that the people of Bouctouche have access to quality infrastructure today and in the future,” said Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe MP Robert Goguen. “Since 2006, our government has provided an unprecedented level of investment in public infrastructure across the country. Building on this success, the Economic Action Plan 2013 is delivering a 10-year, $53-billion Building Canada Plan, the largest long-term federal infrastructure commitment in Canadian history.”

Goguen attended for Rob Moore, federal minister of state for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency.

The provincial investment also includes $350,000 for paving Du Couvent Road. Calls for tenders will be launched this spring by the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure.

“These two projects will have long-term benefits for local residents,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Claude Williams. “The replacement of well No. 3 is essential and it will guarantee the supply of drinking water for the Town of Bouctouche for many years. It is a significant investment in one of the municipality's most vital pieces of infrastructure. The paving of Du Couvent Road will complete a project undertaken by the town last year on that section of highway. The investments of the municipality and the provincial government will total $1 million and will result in an improved and safer highway.”

“This work will provide a good source of drinking water for the people of Bouctouche for decades to come,” said Bouctouche Mayor Aldéo Saulnier. “I am very grateful to the provincial and federal governments, because without this partnership, the project would not have been possible.”