FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government’s increase in funding for provincially-designated highways in municipalities by $16.2 million for a total of $25 million in 2015-16 will provide much-needed infrastructure upgrades to New Brunswick municipalities, while spurring economic activity and job creation across the province.

Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Roger Melanson provided details surrounding the Municipal Designated Highway Supplementary Funding Program in an address to the Association francophone des municipalités du Nouveau-Brunswick as part of their annual mayor’s roundtable event today in Fredericton.

“By investing this extra funding strategically in our municipal infrastructure, we are providing stimulus that will create jobs in the short-term and building the strategic infrastructure that will help us create even more jobs in the long-term,” said Melanson.

The type of work that will qualify for funding under the Municipal Designated Highway Supplementary Funding Program includes:

  • highway reconstruction;
  • culvert replacement;
  • ditching;
  • highway widening;
  • storm sewer system work; and
  • curb and gutter work.

The criteria by which proposed projects will be evaluated under the Municipal Designated Highway Supplementary Funding Program include:

  • the potential for job creation and the sustainability of those jobs;
  • the readiness of the project; and
  • the potential for the bundling of contracts to obtain savings.

All projects to be considered must be part of an updated five-year plan submitted by the municipality.

“By investing in infrastructure renewal today, we will help move New Brunswick forward,” said Melanson. “Municipal infrastructure upgrades will help enhance the quality of life of New Brunswick families, all the while creating jobs in communities.”

As the provincial government moves into the first year of this new enhanced funding model, the program will be re-evaluated and realigned to better co-ordinate with municipalities’ capital funding cycle.