FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government is renovating the Connaught Street School to provide enhanced facilities for students.

“Investing in education is crucial for our economy and for the health of our families,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Fraser. “These renovations will create construction jobs and give the students a nice environment in which to learn.”

The elementary school does not have a cafeteria, and a multi-purpose area is used as a gym. An addition to the school will house a gym, changing room and washroom facilities. Other renovations within the building will create space for a cafeteria and kitchen.

As part of the 2017-18 capital budget, $400,000 is being invested to begin planning and design work for the project. The total cost of the project is estimated at $4 million.

About $88 million will be invested in New Brunswick’s schools in 2017-18.

The government’s 10-year education plans aim to improve educational outcomes and better prepare young people for the future. They set objectives in priority areas to create lifelong learners, support educational leaders and bring stability to the system.