HANWELL (GNB) – The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development announced today that as of March 1, more than 330 child care facilities have become designated New Brunswick Early Learning Centres, surpassing the government’s goal.

“Our government is committed to improving child care services across the province in order to help build a world-class education system,” said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Dominic Cardy. “The transition to designated New Brunswick Early Learning Centres and Homes ensures parents that these facilities meet the highest standards.”

Designations for New Brunswick Early Learning Centres began Feb. 1 in the Anglophone West School District, including the Fredericton, Oromocto and Woodstock regions, and in the Francophone sud school district, including Fredericton and Oromocto. The provincial rollout of designated New Brunswick Early Learning Centres, which began in March of 2018, is now complete with the expansion to these areas.

As of Feb. 1, home-based daycares became eligible to apply for designation as New Brunswick Early Learning Homes. Since becoming eligible, 88 home-based daycares have received designation.

The centres are intended to help parents access more affordable and high-quality child care services. Parents whose children attend designated New Brunswick Early Learning Centres and New Brunswick Early Learning Homes may be eligible for improved subsidies for child care expenses. Parents are encouraged to register for the Early Childhood Services Portal where they can access the subsidy calculator and other relevant information on early learning services and programs.

Cardy and New Brunswick Southwest MP Karen Ludwig visited Little Munchkins Preschool Centre in Hanwell today to tour the facility and discuss the benefits of becoming a designated New Brunswick Early Learning Centre.

“Designation will create an enhanced support framework for our centre and staff,” said Little Munchkins Preschool Centre co-director Lori Nicholls.

“It will allow us to deliver even higher quality and more affordable child care for our families, which is something everyone is excited for,” said the facility’s co-director Ashley Connolly.

“For Canadian families, high-quality, affordable child care is more than a convenience—it is a necessity,” said Ludwig. “If we want the middle class to grow and succeed, we need to ensure every child in Canada has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Investments in early learning and child care better support children getting the best start in life.”

The initiative is part of a $71-million federal-provincial early learning and child care framework which will support early learning initiatives.