VILLAGE-BLANCHARD (GNB) – An investment of $1.2 million will go toward improvements at the Aéroport de la Péninsule.

The investment is funded through the federal Gas Tax Fund and the provincial government’s Northern New Brunswick Economic Development and Innovation Fund.

“We are pleased to see these necessary improvements to the local airport facility,” said Agriculture, Mines and Rural Affairs Minister Wilfred Roussel. “This infrastructure project will ensure air traffic, including air ambulance services, continues to the Acadian Peninsula.”

Roussel spoke on behalf of Environment and Local Government Minister Andrew Harvey.

The project involves improvements to the runway strip, including an extension of the runway and repairs to the lighting system. A total of $700,000 has been committed through the federal Gas Tax Fund while $500,000 comes from the Northern New Brunswick Economic Development and Innovation Fund.

“The Aéroport de la Péninsule is an essential piece of infrastructure for our region,” said Acadie-Bathurst MP Serge Cormier. “It ensures the safety of the people who need urgent health care with transportation by air ambulance. In addition, it plays an important role in emergency response such as forest fires and rescues at sea. It is also a very important development tool for our businesses and for tourism opportunities. For all these reasons, our government is proud to invest in this infrastructure.”

Cormier attended for federal Infrastructure and Communities Minister Amarjeet Sohi.

The annual, $2-billion, federal Gas Tax Fund provides predictable, long-term funding to help Canadian municipalities build and revitalize their local infrastructure while creating jobs and long-term prosperity. Projects are chosen locally and prioritized according to the infrastructure needs of each community. These projects not only improve communities, but the resulting jobs contribute to the local economy.